Aim to Provide Advanced Health Care.

The Treatment Range Multi Speciality Hospitals is 100 Bed Hospital with state of the art Modern Facilities.The Treatment Range Multi Speciality Hospitals Facility & Services have been organised around the needs of patients & society.

It Provides an attractive and welcoming environment for patients and visitors with light , Comfortable waiting areas and modern consulting rooms. The patients will benefit from the new modern facilities & the Departments.


How We Started TRH


First Release

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The Milestone

There are many variations of passages of lorem Ipsum available but the majority have suffered alteration in some form injected which don't look of available but the text is simply free majority have suffered even slightly believable.

Why we are

One of the Leading &
Fastest Growing Healthcare Network

As a multi-speciality hospital, we are proud to identify ourselves as a frontline provider of comprehensive healthcare. Within a short span of time from 2019 we have grown from a 50 bed hospital to a formidable 100+-bed facility. The expansion which we undertook not only added beds but also newer service modalities. The hospital was modernised and we are now in the same league with the best hospitals in Telangana.

Accepting Insurance


Innovative Technology


Certified Doctors

why choose us

You’ll Love the Way We Care for You

At Treatment Range Hospitals, Patient safety is at the heart of our ability to offer consistent, reliable quality care. That is why we are committed to taking every possible step to assure your safety.

Receipt of Queries 24X7

Virtual Call, Whatsapp, Internet, Video Chat

Pre Arrival Coordination

Communication on diagnosis and
suggested treatment within 24 hrs.

Post Arrival Coordination

Single Point of contact in customer service, cell
Consultation with referral doctors


Post Discharge follow-up,
Continued Information regarding
Health, Medicines & tips.

About TRH

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